Monty-Tuning robot |
- Two motors for traction,
- A motor for the clamp of the arm,
- Ultrasounds sensor for the detection of movement,
- Two sensors of light in the head for the location of light sources,
- Sensors of infrared reflection in the base for pursuit of black lines,
- Microphone,
- Loudspeaker and
- Bumpers for the detection of obstacles.
The set is governed by a microcontroller PIC-16F84 and another small microcontroller (PIC-12C50A) preprogrammed for the management of the movements of the clamp.
The circuitry is composed by five cards:
Card for Control: It contains the logic of the micro, the interface with the PC for the programming of the micro and the power regulation unit.
Card for Power and I/O: It contains the H-bridges that feed the traction motors and the digital I/O for the digital sensors. The input signals are prepared at good TTL levels and sent to the microcontroller (Plate of Control) through a flat cable
Card for Management of the arm: It contains the small preprogrammed microcontroller and the required H-bridge to govern the movements of the clamp
Card for light sensors: It adapts the analogical input from the sensors of light of the head for the detection of a threshold that allows to specify what sensor receives more light.
Card for Sensors and actuators: It contains the necessary electronics for the control and adaptation of the signal of the other sensors and analogical actuators (ultrasounds, microphone and loudspeaker).
The robot has been programmed to stay quiet until it hears a strong noise (like for example an applause). Then "it wakes up" and it tries to go towards illuminated zones. If it does not detect light it turns on in an attempt to find light around. If the attempt fails it returns the the "sleep mode" until hearing a new noise. In his way of search and pursuit of the light it will be detecting the obstacles and applying algorithms to avoid them.
The programming has been made in assembler. The code is widely commented for their understanding (but unfortunately in Spanish by now).
At the beginning of the program it is indicated to what I/O ports the sensors/actuators are connected.
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